Although this not exactly what we wanted to originally do on this trip, the lack of funds and now time have made us change course a little. We had hoped to put the final touches on playground at Dom Dziecke "Droga" by replacing the old wooden composite play structure with a new, contemporary, age-appropriate structure but that is not possible now. We are going with the "Ready, Set, Play" list of equipment from KOMPAN which are products that are ready to ship on a relatively short notice. Well, we certainly have "short notice." It has been almost two weeks since we got the grant check from FRUA and I have yet to hear from the KOMPAN representative in Poland. The President of US Operations, Tom Grover, yesturday sent an email to the home office in Denmark to see if we can get any help from them. I have no choice now but to develop a "Plan B" and explore alternative equipment from other producers. Please pray that this all works out and that we are good stewards of the money "grant" and raised on our behalf. Note: we are attempting to order 2 bays of swings for a total of 4 belt swings. This will replace some of the old swings that have metal bars instead of swing chains. The Blazer will replace the old set of teeter-totters. We've asked KOMPAN for any free stuff they can offer. Their current sales promotion is for an extra rocker or spinner piece of equipment. Not sure we'll get anything, but it doesn't hurt to try.
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